Beat the winter blues
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Let’s talk about creating a healthier life with light.
Find out how LYS builds a
healthier, happier and more
engaged workforce.
Measure your light intake with the LYS Button, a wearable sensor, and track progress with the LYS app.
Learn about your sleep-wake cycles, gaining insight into how to improve sleep and energy levels.
Identify simple changes in the working environment and routine that boost wellbeing and productivity.
Improve employees’ sleep, energy levels and mood
Reduce absenteeism and burnout
Boost productivity and engagement at work
Measurable benefits that are good for your staff and business
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Let’s talk about creating a healthier life with light.
Studies show that Seasonal Affective Disorder, and its milder form the winter blues, is caused by a lack of light during the winter months. It’s estimated that 15-20% of people experience some symptoms every year.
Learn moreWith their innovative technology, LYS allows us not only to understand how our buildings affect people from a user experience side, but also let’s us give something back to our users: insights in how they can nudge their behavior to sleep better and feel more energised.
— Florijn Vriend, Product Lead Wellbeing, Edge Technologies
LYS was outstanding… it was the freshness of an innovative idea for tackling a problem by looking at people’s consumption of light during the day, and addressing this behaviour in order to get a good night’s sleep.
— Dr Chris Tomkins, Head of Proactive Health, AXA PPP
You will recieve an email with info and a call from our team.
Let’s talk about creating a healthier life with light.